Ka Whawhai Tonu Movie Entry
Screening at Edisons Whangamatā on Wednesday 17th of July, 11am, 3pm and 7pm.
Numbers limited to 70 per screening. First in first served. There is no physical ticket. Once you have completed payment your place is reserved. Give your name at the door for entry. Doors open half an hour before the start time. Food and non alcoholic drinks available for purchase.
Set in Aotearoa New Zealand in 1864, Ka Whawhai Tonu tells the story of a pivotal battle in the first New Zealand land wars in the Waikato region. A battle fought with impossible odds between Māori and the Colonial forces. This heroic conflict is told through the eyes of two young teenagers forced to take control of their own destiny amidst the chaos of the battle and their escape.
RATING - M, Violence, offensive language & content that may disturb. Entry for U16s is at parent's discretion.
RUNTIME - 115 minutes